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+99 votes
How can I care for and raise monarch caterpillars? I found some monarch caterpillars and I want to help them grow into butterflies. Can you give me some tips on how to care for them?
by (370 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
To catch and raise monarch caterpillars, follow these steps:

1. Gather materials: You'll need a clear plastic container with a lid, a mesh top for ventilation, a small branch or twig, a shallow dish filled with water, a small spoon, and a magnifying glass.

2. Catch the caterpillars: Carefully pick up the caterpillars using a spoon or your hands (if they are small). Be gentle to avoid injuring them.

3. Set up the habitat: Place the small branch or twig in the container, and create a small area with a shallow dish of water and a few leaves for the caterpillars to eat.

4. Feed the caterpillars: Monarch caterpillars eat milkweed leaves. Provide fresh leaves daily and remove any uneaten leaves to prevent mold growth.

5. Maintain the habitat: Keep the container clean and free of uneaten leaves. Change the water in the dish daily and keep the container in a warm, sunny spot.

6. Monitor their progress: Observe the caterpillars as they grow and form a chrysalis. Once the chrysalis forms, avoid moving or touching it.

7. Release the butterflies: After about two weeks, the butterflies will emerge from the chrysalis. Once their wings are dry, carefully release them into your garden or a nearby area with milkweed plants.

Remember to always handle the caterpillars and butterflies gently and with care to ensure their safety and well-being.
by (280 points)