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+62 votes
I am looking for ways to attract butterflies to my garden. I have heard that using beer can be an effective method. Can you provide me with some tips on how to do this?
by (330 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
To attract butterflies using beer, follow these steps:

1. Choose a suitable location: Find a spot in your garden where butterflies are already present. This will increase the chances of them being attracted to the beer.

2. Prepare the beer: Use a non-alcoholic beer or a small amount of alcoholic beer. Butterflies are attracted to the sugar and yeast in the beer, not the alcohol.

3. Pour the beer into a shallow dish or saucer. Make sure the dish is clean and free of any debris.

4. Place the dish near the chosen location. Position it in a way that it is visible to the butterflies, but also protected from direct sunlight and wind.

5. Monitor and refill: Check the dish regularly and replenish the beer as needed. It's important to keep the dish clean and free of any mold or bacteria.

6. Attract even more butterflies: Consider adding some nectar-rich flowers nearby to attract even more butterflies to your garden.

Remember, using beer to attract butterflies is just one method. You can also try other methods such as planting butterfly-friendly plants, providing water sources, and creating shelter for them. Good luck!
by (260 points)