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+111 votes
I am looking for tips on how to write a letter in Spanish. I have never done it before and would appreciate any advice.
by (370 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
To write a Spanish letter, follow these steps:

1. Start by addressing the recipient with a formal salutation such as 'Estimado/a [Name]' for a formal letter or 'Querido/a [Name]' for a more casual letter.

2. Write the date in the format 'Día [Day] de [Month] de [Year]' (e.g., '23 de enero de 2022').

3. Begin the body of the letter with a formal opening phrase such as 'Me complace [verb] su carta' (e.g., 'Me complace leer su carta').

4. Write the main content of the letter, using formal language and maintaining a polite tone. Remember to use appropriate conjugations and verb tenses.

5. Express gratitude or appreciation in the letter, using phrases like 'Le agradezco su [verb]' (e.g., 'Le agradezco su tiempo').

6. Conclude the letter with a formal closing phrase such as 'Atentamente' or 'Cordialmente', followed by your name and contact information.

Remember to proofread your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before sending it.
by (280 points)