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+73 votes
I'm trying to learn how to use the present progressive tense in Spanish. Can you help me with the rules and examples?
by (330 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
The present progressive tense in Spanish is formed by using the verb 'estar' followed by the gerund of the main verb. The structure is: 'estar + ing + verb + -ando/-iendo'. This tense is used to express actions that are happening right now or habits. Here are some examples:

1. Estoy leyendo un libro. (I am reading a book.)

2. Está comiendo. (He/she is eating.)

3. Estamos trabajando en un proyecto. (We are working on a project.)

Remember that the subject pronoun is not usually used in the present progressive tense in Spanish. However, it can be used for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity. For example:

Yo estoy trabajando en un proyecto. (I am working on a project.)

Keep practicing, and you'll get better at using the present progressive tense in Spanish.
by (260 points)